※The movie poster

  There are many big stars in the movie, like Sylvester Stallone, Jet Li and Jason Statham. Also there are Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger, although they are cameo roles, it still doesn’t affect the excitement of movie.

  I was surprised that Jet Li play a not powerful guy. Because in the team, he is not only the shortest guy but also the only Asian. The other members all are very strong, and Jet Li said that he is small, so he always has the bigger wound and walks longer.

  On the other hand, one of enemies is too forceful to be beaten. Even the Stallone fight him one by one, he still be indestructible. Finally, they only use unjust method to kill him.

  This type movie exactly be watching in a movie theater is more exciting than on TV. When you are enjoying the effects of heavy fire, spilling blood and the strong bass, you just feel the paying is worth.

  The marrow of this movie is the friendship between man and man. And an exciting action movie can’t dispense with violence and bloody, every time my friends and I watch the moment of deathful beat or shot, we all laugh loudly at the same time. Ha, that’s the fun of watching movie. That’s life!

key words:

cameo role ['kæmɪəʊ rəʊl] n. (電影或戲劇中)襯托明星演員的小配角
wound [waund] n. 創傷,;傷口;傷疤
indestructible [,ɪndɪ'strʌktəb!] adj. 不滅的;不能破壞的
unjust  ['ʌn'dʒʌst] adj. 不公平的;不義的;不正當的
marrow ['mærəu] n. ;骨髓,精華;精髓
dispense [dɪ'spɛns] v. 分發; 分配; 免除; 省掉

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