※well, the photo is just for fun...XP

Since one day my mother had heard about making yogurt, afterwards there’s one cup of it in breakfast every day. Although there are lots of benefits of eating yogurt, we still don’t like the taste. Then my sister and I start to complain when we were eating, but it’s always no use.
Because my mother sticks to her thought, so that our breakfast time has been hell. And my father just kept silent when we were complaining. Even I found a method to less the pain of eating yogurt. Mother usually mixed some fruits with it, so I used the fruits to cover my tongue, and then I took a long swallow of it.

 Until these days, father finally tried to persuade mother. It’s no need to be unhappy every morning. Even if someone had good mood, it will be infect soon. Now finally we don’t get eating yogurt over with.

Mother submits us to a strong reason, healthy. But I think if we couldn’t eat yogurt voluntarily, it can’t be completely healthy to us.


yogurt  ['jogɚt] n. (=yoghurt) 酸奶酪, 酵母乳
afterwards  ['æftɚwɚdz] adv. 以後,
stick to
infect  [ɪn'fɛkt] vt. 傳染,
get sth over with 做完, 結束(不愉快但必須做的事)
submit  [səb'mɪt] vt. 呈送, 遞交, 主張vt. 使服從, 屈服vi. 屈從;
voluntarily  ['vɑlən,tɛrəlɪ] adv. 自動地, 以自由意志

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